Mary Bromiley MBE!
Mary helped my father Martin to train countless winners and he is as delighted as anyone that she has been recognised. On hearing of her award he said "It was Mary who helped me to rebuild Carvill's Hill after all the bone scans and vets said that he would never be able to race again. He would certainly be one of her earlier success stories - we defied them by winning the Rehearsal Chase, Welsh National and Irish Hennessy. None of it would have been possible without Mary's regular contribution and expertise. It wasn't just the horses that she was so good with either, she helped to fix numerous members of staff and I was also a patient of hers as she helped considerably with the rebuilding of my new knee. She certainly put me through my paces, both before and after my operation! I couldn't be more pleased for Mary, it is great that she has been recognised for all that she has contributed to both equine and human health."
Well done too to former trainer Toby Balding, former BHA chairman Martin Broughton and Jim Gale who set up the Northern Racing College - they all received awards in the Honour's List and it is tremendous to see our sport so well represented.
Where does the time go? Christmas has been and gone and it will soon be 2011. I hope that you all enjoyed the Festive season – I know that the staff at Pond House did. For our annual Christmas party this year we congregated at the Blue Ball pub just down the road in Sampford Moor. I find it incredible (and boring for you readers I’m afraid), but everyone behaved themselves and I have no scandalous behaviour to report. We enjoyed drinks, a buffet, disco and a bit of karaoke (although one person seemed keener to get on the microphone than anyone else! I won’t mention any names…Julie!). There were a few sore heads the next day, although there were no non-runners and everyone turned up to work!
As you can see from the photograph of the gallops on Christmas Day, despite the festivities the horses still need to be fed and exercised so our routine continues very much as normal with the staff taking it in turns to come in over the Christmas and New Year period.
It is excellent news that the King George VI Chase and the Welsh Grand National have been saved. The King George will now be run on Saturday 15th January, while the Welsh National will be held a week earlier on 8th January. I must admit, it will seem strange holding these traditional Christmas fixtures so late in the calendar although those involved should be applauded for saving these prestigious prizes. I am pleased to say that last year’s King George runner-up Madison du Berlais is still very much on course to take in the race again.
I would like to thank you all for following the stable during the past twelve months – I hope that you have enjoyed reading all about our yard and hope you will continue to do so in 2011.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year
David Pipe